권기석(2023), 인공지능과 미래 일자리의 사회경제적 이슈에 대한 토픽모델링 분석, 문명과 경계, 제7호, pp.55-77.
Kim, S.-Y. & Kwon, K-.S. (2023), LDA 토픽모델링을 활용한 ChatGPT의 사회경제적 이슈 분석 (Analysis of socio-economic issues of ChatGPT based on LDA topic modeling), 기술혁신학회지(Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society), 26(4), pp.593-612.
Kwon et al. (2023), Mobility and productivity: brain circulation and sustainability of the Korean academic system, 12(1), Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, pp. 27-23.
강언비, 박상현, 권기석, 전정환(2021), 사회 연결망 분석을 활용한 무기체계 안전사고 동향 분석, 한국군사과학기술학회지, 25(1), pp.82-95.
Seo, I., Yuka, A., and Kwon, K.-S. (2021), From Knowledge Arbitrager to Policy Entrepreneur? Exploring the Role of Think Tank in the Open Innovation System, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 10(3), pp.316 ~ 329..
Park, S. and Kwon K-.S. (2020), Forecasting Korean National Innovation System and Science & Technology Policy after the COVID-19, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 9(2), pp. 145-163.
Kim, Y., Park, S. and Kwon K-.S. (2020), Forecasting the Environmental Change of Technological Innovation System in South Korea in the COVID-19 Era, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 9(2), pp. 133-144.
권기석 외(2020), 국내외 기술규제연구의 구조와 동향 분석, 기술혁신학회지, 23(1), pp.89-110.
권기석 (2019), 공공부문 연구개발직의 도전과 기회: 정부출연연구소 과학기술자의 현재와 미래 탐색, 한국혁신학회지, 14(3), pp.143-181.
Hameed, Von Staden, and Kwon (2019), Impediments to Sustaining South Korea’s Economic Development: Pathologies of Cooperation in Intra-Team Dynamics of Technology Commercialization, Sustainability, 11(11), 3040. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11113040
Kumari et al. (2019), Co-Creation for Social Innovation in the Ecosystem Context: The Role of Higher Educational Institutions, Sustainability, 12(1), 307. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12010307
Han, S.-H. et al. (2018), An Analysis of Higher
Education Policy: The Case of Government-Supported University Programs in South
Korea, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 7(2), pp. 364-381.
Yi, C. -G. et al. (2018), Reflection and Challenge for
Science and Technology Policy Studies in Korea, Asian Journal of Innovation and
Policy, 7(2), pp. 382-410.
과학과 기술의 공진화 경영을 통한 거대과학의 추격: 천문우주과학과 핵융합연구 사례비교, 경영교육연구, 33(2), pp.116-130.
Hameed, Von Staden, and Kwon (2018), Sustainable
Economic Growth and the Adaptability of a National System of Innovation: A
Socio-Cognitive Explanation for South Korea’s Mired Technology
Transfer and Commercialization Process, Sustainability, 10(5), pp.1397-1423. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10051397
권기석 외(2018), 과학기술정책 연구와 사회, 정부: 과학기술의 사회이슈, 정부정책, 학술연구의 공진화 분석, 기술혁신학회지, 21(1), pp.64-91.
Kwon et al. (2017), A methodological study on the
identification of vacant technologies based on a social network analysis -
comparison of biomarker technology between South Korea and the US, Journal of
Korea Innovation Studies, 12(4), pp.116-130. [권기석 외(2017), 사회연결망 분석을 통한 바이오마커
공백기술도출연구, 한국혁신학회지, 12(4), pp.116-130]
Kwon, Ki-Seok, Park, So-Yeon, & Jang, Duckhee (2017),
Analysis of National Basic Research System: The Case of South Korea, Asian
Journal of Innovation and Policy, 6(2), pp. 152-169.
Kim and Kwon (2017), Social Roles of Child Sexual
Crime Faction Films: Text Mining Analysis of Audiences’ Emotional Reactions,
JKAIS, 18(6), pp. 662-672. [김호경/권기석 (2017), 아동청소년
대상 성범죄 팩션영화의 사회적 역할 탐색: 텍스트마이닝 기법을 활용한 수용자 감정반응 분석, 한국산학기술학회지, 18(6), pp. 662-672.]
Kwon, Ki-Seok & Kim, Jin Guk (2017), Collaborative
Research Network and Scientific Productivity: The Case of Korean Statisticians
and Computer Scientists, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 6(1), pp.
Lee and Kwon (2016), Subjectivism in Public
Administration: Its Richness Comes from New Methodology Debate, Korean Journal
of Public Administration, 50(5), pp.51~85 [이광석/권기석(2016),
행정학에서의 주관주의에 관한 연구: 행정학의 풍요로움은 새로운 방법론의 논쟁에서부터, 한국행정학보, 50(5), pp.51~85]
Kim et al. (2016), Language Network Analysis of ‘Marine
Environment’ in News Frame, Korean Journal of Contents Analysis
Society, 16(5), pp.385-398. [김호경/권기석/장덕희(2016), 언론의 '해양환경'에
대한 의제설정 언어 네트워크 분석, 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 16(5),
Lee and Kwon (2016), A Study on the Naming,
Transformation and Confirmation : Centered on the Devolution and the
Independence of Scotland in the United Kingdom, Journal of Regional Administration,
30(1), pp.77~108 [이광석/권기석(2016), 프레임의 명명과 전환 및 검증에 관한 연구 : 영국 스코틀란드의 지방자치와 독립논의를 중심으로, 지방행정연구, 30(1), pp.77~108.]
Kim et al. (2016), Characteristics of Entertainment
Program Subtitles and Effects on the Audience’s Perception : Text
Analysis of JTBC , Korean Journal of Contents Analysis
Society, 16(3), pp.232-246 [김호경/권기석/서상호(2016), 예능프로그램 자막의 특성과 수용자 인식에 미치는 영향, 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 16(3), pp.232-246.]
Jung and Kwon (2015), A Directed Weighted Network
Approach for Product Network Modeling and Commodity Classification, Business
Education Research, 30(6), pp.1~23[정석봉/권기석(2015),
방향가중 네트워크 기반의 상품네트워크 모델링 방안과 상품분류기준에 관한 연구, 經營敎育硏究, 30(6), pp.1~23.]
Kwon et al.(2015), The impact of graduate students on
research productivity in Korea, Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market,
and Complexity 2015, 1:21.
Kim et al. (2015), Knowledge Structure Analysis on
Business Administration Research using Keyword Network Analysis , Journal of
Decision Making, 23(1), pp.111-125. [김동래/권기석/정석봉(2015), 키워드 네트워크 분석을 통한 경영학 연구의 지식구조 분석, 의사결정학회지, 23(1), pp.111-125.]
Kwon, K.-S. et al. (2015), Network, Channel, and
Geographical Proximity of Knowledge Transfer: The Case of University-Industry
Collaboration in South Korea, Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 4(2), pp.
Kwon, K.-S.(2015), Evolution of Universities and
Government Policy: the case of South Korea, Asian Journal of Innovation and
Policy, 4(1), pp. 103-128.
Lee et al. (2015), A study on Korean legal research
trend during the last 10 years keyword network analysis, Journal of Ajou Legal
Studies, 8(4), pp.519-539. [이주연/한승환/권기석(2015), 키워드 네트워크 분석을 통한 최근 10년 법학연구동향, 아주법학, 8(4), pp.519-539.]
Kwon, K.-S.(2015), Evolution of Universities and
Government Policy: the case of South Korea, Asian Journal of Innovation and
Policy, 4(1), pp. 103-128.
Lee, J., Han, S., and Kwon, K.-S. (2015), A study on
Korean legal research trend during the last 10 years based on keyword network
analysis, Journal of Ajou Legal Studies, 8(4), pp. 519-539 [이주연, 한승환, 권기석 (2015), 키워드 네트워크 분석을 통해 살펴본 최근 10년 법학연구동향, 아주법학, 8(4), pp. 519-539]
Kwon et al. (2014), A Social Network Analysis on the
Research Trend of Korean Medicine, Korean Journal of Technological Innovation
Studies, 17(2), pp.334-354 [권기석, 이준혁, 이주연, 채성욱, 한동성(2014), 한의학
연구동향에 대한 사회연결망분석, 기술혁신학회지, 17(2), pp. 334-354]
Jang et al. (2014), A Comparative Study of the World’s Major Marine
Research Institutions and Implications, Ocean Policy Research, 29(1),
pp.153-183 [장덕희, 한종엽, 강길모, 권기석, 서만덕, 도수관(2014), 세계 주요 해양연구기관과의 비교분석을 통한 시사점 도출, 해양정책연구, 29(1), pp.153-183].
Kwon et al. (2013), A study on the government’ funding for
universities’ industrial collaboration based on social
network analysis, Journal of Decision Science, 21(2), pp.29-38 [권기석 외(2013), 대학에 대한 정부의 산학협력 재정지원 분석, 의사결정학회지, 21(2), pp.29-38].
Kwon et al. (2013), Characteristics and Activities of
University-Industry Collaboration Organizations according to University
Typology, Journal of Decision Science, 21(2), pp.61-74 [권기석 외(2013), 대학유형별
산학협력단 특성과 활동에 관한 연구, 의사결정학회지, 21(2),
Kim, B., Jung, S., and Kwon, K.-S.(2012), A study on
relational analysis of purchasing items of on-line shopping mall based on
social network analysis, The Journal of Digital Policy and Management, 11(11),
pp.209-218 [김병국·정석봉·권기석(2013), 사회연결망분석에 의한 온라인 쇼핑몰의
구매품목 관계 분석에 대한 연구, 디지털정책연구, 11(11),
Kwon, K.-S. (2013),
Government Policy and Internationalisation of Universities: The Case of
International Student Mobility in South Korea, Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 12(1), pp.35-47.
Kwon, K.-S. and Park, M. (2012), Influencing factors on the knowledge-transfer
channel of the Korean academics engaged in science and engineering, Journal of
Information Technology and Architecture, 9(3), pp.287-303[권기석·박문수(2013),
한국 이공계 대학교수 지식이전 경로의 영향요인, 정보기술아키텍처연구, 9(3), pp.287-303].
Jang, D. and Kwon, K.-S. (2012), A study on the problems in the application of
lump sum and matching grants to state-subsidized affairs: the case of welfare
area, GRI review, 14(3), pp.59-76. [장덕희·권기석(2012), 국고보조사업 기준보조율과 차등보조율 제도의
문제, GRI논총, 14(3), pp.59-76].
Kwon, K.-S. (2012), The evolution and Future for
University-Industry-Government Relations in South Korea, Journal of KSIC, 1(1),
pp.40-49 [권기석(2012), 한국 산학관 협력의 진화와 미래, 한국산학협력학회지, 1(1), pp.40-49].
Kwon et al.
(2012), A study on Strategies for Diffusing Benefits of Basic Research, Journal
of Decision Science, 20(1), pp.41-52 [권기석 외(2012), 기초연구 우수성과
확산을 위한 전략 수립에 관한 연구, 의사결정학연구, 20(1),
Kwon et al. (2012), Publicness and Commercialization of Science and Technology
in Catch-up Countries: a Literature Review, Journal of Decision Science, 20(1),
pp.89-115 [권기석 외(2012), 경제추격국 과학기술의 공공성과 상업성,
의사결정학연구, 20(1), pp.89-115].
Kwon, K.-S. et al. (2012), Has globalization
strengthened South Korea’s national research system?
National and international dynamics of the Triple Helix of scientific
co-authorship relationships in South Korea, Scientometrics, 90 (1), pp.163-176.
Kwon, K.-S. and Ben R. Martin (2012), Synergy or Separation Mode: the relationship between academic research
and knowledge transfer activities of Korean academics, Scientometrics ,90 (1), pp.177-200.
Kwon, K.-S. (2011), Evolution of Academic Research and
Knowledge-Transfer Activities of Universities in a Catch-up Country: the Case
of Korea, Science and Public Policy, 38 (6), pp.493-503.
K.-S. (2011), Are Scientific Capacities and Industrial Funding Critical for
Universities' Knowledge-Transfer Activities in a Catch-up Country? The case of
South Korea, Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 10 (1), pp.15-23.
K.-S. and Lee, M. -Y. (2009), Science Planning: Methodology and its
Application, Journal of Science and Technology Studies, Vol. 9. No.2.
pp.29-49 [권기석·이문영(2009), 과학기획의 방법론과 적용, 과학기술학연구지 9 (2), pp.29-49].
S. and Kwon, K.-S. (2009), The relationship between Institutional
Characteristics, Funding Structure, and Knowledge-Transfer Performance of
Korean Universities Engaged in Science and Engineering, Korean Public
Administration Review, Vol. 43, No. 3. pp.307-325 [한승환·권기석(2009),
대학의 특성 및 연구비 구조와 산학성과와의 관계, 한국행정학보 43 (3), pp.307-325].
Park, K., Han,
D. and Kwon, K.-S. (2008), A study on the effect of academics’
patenting activities on their research activities, Korean journal of
technology innovation, Vol.11, No. 4, pp. 606-627 [박규호·한동성·권기석(2008), 대학교수의 특허활동이 연구활동에 미치는 효과에 대한 연구, 기술혁신학회지 11(4), pp.606-627].
Kwon, K.-S. and
Lee, K. (2004), A study on Strategic Planning on Publicly funded R&D
organization: in case of NASA, Journal of Science and Technology Studies,
Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp.103-127 [권기석·이규현(2004), 미 항공우주국 전략기획에 대한 사례연구, 과학기술학연구지 4 (2), pp.103-127].
Kwon, K.-S.
(2003), A study on inter-Korean science and technology cooperation, Journal
of Science and Technology Studies, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp.29-60 [권기석(2003),
남북한 과학기술협력에 대한 연구, 과학기술학연구지 3
(2), pp.29-60].
Kwon, K.-S.
(2003), Recent research trends of North Korean Astronomy, Journal of S&T
in North Korea, Vol. 1, KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Information) [권기석(2003), 북한 천문학분야 연구현황과 남북한 연구교류 가능분야, 북한과학기술연구, 1, 한국과학기술정보연구원].