Service |
▪ Membership, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
▪ Membership, the Korea Association of Management Information Systems (KAMIS)
▪ Director, Korea Intelligent Information System Society (KIISS)
Review Service
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for International Journal
▪ Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for Domestic Journal
▪ Korea Association of Information Systems
Ad-Hoc Reviewer for International Conference
▪ PACIS (Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems) 2013
▪ 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
General Reviewer for Domestic Journal
▪ Editorial Board, Korea Intelligent Information System Society (KIISS) 2013 - present
External Service Activities
Conference Activities
▪ Chair of the Editorial Committee, 2012 Fall Korea Intelligent Information System
Society (KIISS), Seoul, Korea, 7th December, 2012.
▪ Organizing Committee, 2011 Fall International Conference of Korea Association of
Information Systems (KAIS), Gyeongju, Korea, 4th-5th November, 2011.
▪ Session Chair, 2011 Spring Knowledge Management Society of Korea (KMSK),
Seoul, Korea, 3rd June, 2011.
Advisory Activities
▪ Advisory commissioner, Korea Software Industry Association (KOSA),
Korea, June 2011- Present.