The 200th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society(ECS) and the 52nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) , Sep. 2-7 (2001), in San Francisco, California, USA
Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured CoNiP Electrodeposits
D.-Y. Park, N.V. Myung, M. Schwartz, K. Nobe
The 200th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society(ECS) and the 52nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) , Sep. 2-7 (2001), in San Francisco, California, USA
Materials and Processes Development in Magnetic MEMS
Nosang V. Myung, D.-Y. Park, Morton Schwartz, Henry Yang, Jack W Judy, Ken Nobe
The 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Nov. 4-9 (2001), in Reno, Nevada, USA
Electrodeposited Nanostructured Materials
D.-Y. Park, Nosang V. Myung, Morton Schwartz, Ken Nobe
The 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Nov. 4-9 (2001), in Reno, Nevada, USA
Electrodeposition of Magnetic Thin Films of Iron Group-V Alloys
B. Yoo, D. Park, P. Sumodjo, M. Schwartz, K. Nobe
The 202nd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Oct. 20-25 (2002), in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Ultra Low-Stress FeCoNi Electrodeposits for Magnetic-MEMS
S. Kelcher, D.-Y. Park, J.M. Ko, N.V. Myung
The 205th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, May 9-13 (2004), in San Antonio, Texas, USA
High Performance FeCoNi Electrodeposits for Magnetic-MEMS/NEMS
S. Kelcher, D.-Y. Park, J.M. Ko, N.V. Myung
AESF SUR/FIN 2004 & Interfinish 2004 World Congress, Jun. 28-Jul. 1 (2004), in Chicago, Ilinois, USA
AESF Research Project #114
Residual Stress and Magnetic Properties of Nickel, Cobalt, Iron and FeCo Electrodeposits
S. Kelcher, D.-Y. Park, N.V. Myung
AESF SUR/FIN 2004 & Interfinish 2004 World Congress, Jun. 28-Jul. 1 (2004), in Chicago, Ilinois, USA
AESF Research Project #107
Stress Changes of Binary CoNi Alloy Films Electrodeposited from Different Anions
R.-Y Song, D.-Y. Park, J.M. Ko, N.V. Myung
The 206th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society(ECS) and 2004 Fall Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan(ECSK), Oct. 3-8 (2004), in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Electrodeposition of Magnetic CoNiP Thin Films from Various Plating Baths
D. Park, N. Myung, M. Schwartz, K. Nobe
The 206th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society(ECS) and 2004 Fall Meeting of the Electrochemical Society of Japan(ECSK), Oct. 3-8 (2004), in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Electroforming of FeNiCo Soft Magnetic Thick Films for MEMS Applications
Bongyoung Yoo, Sandra Hernandez, Deok-Yong Park, Nosang V. Myung
HARMST 2005 (High Aspect Ration Micro Structure Technology Workshop), Jun. 10-13 (2005), in Gyeongju, Korea
Electrodeposited Ni and NiCo thin Films
K.-S. Park, J.M. Ko, D.-Y. Park
The 56th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sep. 25-30 (2005), in Busan, Korea
Magnetic Properties of Electrodeposited CoPt and CoPtP Nanocrystalline Thin Films
D.-Y. Park, B.Y. Yoo, N.V. Myung
IUMRS-ICA-2006, Sep. 10-14 (2006) Hotel Shilla, Jeju, Korea
Effect of Electrolyte on Corrosion Resistance of Ceramic Coating of Mg Alloy Fabricated by Plasma Electrolyte Oxidation
D.Y. Whang, J.Y. Cho, D.-Y. Park, D.H. Shin
International Corrosion Engineering Conference 2007, Seoul, Korea May 20-24, 2007